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Academics & Arts

College Guidance

Laurel’s approach to college guidance is highly individualized, and our mission is to help each student find colleges that best match their interests, talents and goals.
We work closely with our students to help them understand the college process, develop a tailored list of schools to explore and prepare for the appropriate standardized tests.

The College Guidance office provides support on college essays, and reviews every application prior to submission to ensure that each student is presenting an authentic narrative to emerge in a competitive college admissions landscape. Laurel also provides thorough standardized test preparation for both the ACT and the SAT.
Collaboration among the student, their family and the college counselors is essential in the college process. We believe that the student must take the lead, with parents and counselors offering support and encouragement.
The college counselors meet with the Seniors regularly, and are also available to parents by phone, email and in person as often as needed. The College Guidance team will also offer grade level parent nights each year, starting with Senior parents in September and ending with Ninth Grade parents in January. Counselors actively engage with Juniors throughout the year, and talk with Ninth and Tenth Graders—and their parents—periodically, to provide information, dispel myths and reassure them that they will be ready for the college process when the time comes.

College Guidance Team

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