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Why All-Girls?

Laurel girls today. Leaders tomorrow.
"We believe a school for girls is better than a school with girls." ~ICGS
Laurel School is a longtime member of the International Coalition of Girls Schools (ICGS), and we proudly share this content from their website.

List of 5 items.

  • Girls’ schools are more relevant today than ever before.

    Girls’ schools are places where girls take center stage. They occupy every seat in student government, every spot on the math team, and every position in the robotics club. In fact, every aspect of a girls’ school – from the classroom to the athletic field to the academic program – is designed for girls. A girls’ school environment adds opportunities for girls.
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  • Girls’ schools educate girls to become global changemakers—the women we need to help solve the world’s biggest challenges.

    Young women at girls’ schools are inspired to become informed, engaged global citizens who lead with courage, competence, and empathy. Research has proven girls’ school graduates display stronger community involvement, greater cultural competency, and increased political engagement.
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  • Girls’ schools are impacting society’s lack of women going into STEM-related fields.

    In addition to the arts and humanities, girls’ schools have a long history of engaging girls in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) subjects.

    Girls’ schools are leading the way in STEM education for women in the world. Graduates of girls’ schools are six times more likely to consider majoring in math, science, and technology and three times more likely to consider engineering compared to girls who attended coed schools.

    Why does this happen?
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  • Girls’ schools prepare girls to become women who rise to the highest levels of leadership.

    Girls’ schools foster girls’ voices and encourage girls to exercise their voice at a young age.

    At girls’ schools, students are encouraged—really, expected—to speak their minds, without interruption. A national survey found that nearly 87% of girls’ school students feel their voices—their opinions—are respected compared to 58% of girls at coed schools.
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  • Considering a Girls’ School?

    We encourage families to ask questions of themselves and their child’s current school such as:
    • Are girls at my child’s school really on the front lines of leadership? Are they class president? Are they editors of the student newspaper?
    • Are girls at my child’s school actively called upon and encouraged to participate in class?
    • Are there fewer girls than boys in the upper level science and math classes?
    • Does my child’s school value girls’ athletic teams as much as the boys’ teams? Are budgets, staff and facilities equal?
    These are just a few sample questions that are good for families to reflect on and think about as they are seeking the best school for their child.
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