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Visit with Head of School Ann V. Klotz during her final year at the helm of Laurel School!
Green & White Laurel Spirit Civvies Day
Lyman & Butler Campuses
On these days students are welcome to wear Green, White, Green & White, or Laurel spiritwear to show their Laurel pride. If Kindergarten - Grade 12 students choose not to participate, they will be expected to wear their normal uniform.
Families accepted to Laurel are invited to spend time with us at our Lyman Campus and connect with other families considering Laurel. Administrators, faculty, parents and students will be on hand to share their perspectives. Light refreshments will be served.
Parents of accepted students are invited to join Head of School Ann V. Klotz for conversation over coffee about Laurel's commitment to our mission of inspiring each girl to fulfill her promise and to better the world. Administrators, faculty members and current Laurel parents will also be available to answer questions. Accepted students are welcome to take a second look by spending additional time in classrooms to see what sets Laurel apart. Please note that students accepted to Grades 3-5 will revisit at the Butler Campus.
Come see our two-campus advantage! We invite you to join Laurel administrators, teachers, coaches, and students prior to making your admission decision. Learn more about how we use our 150-acre Butler Campus for athletics, experiential learning, leadership training on our 16-Element Project Adventure Course, Grades 3-5, Environmental Justice semester and more.