
Dan McGee Highlights Digital Safe Practices in Cleveland Jewish News and Digital Lessons Learned in Education IT Reporter

Dan McGee, Laurel Director of Technology and Library Services, was featured in a Cleveland Jewish News piece focused on how parents can stay up-to-date on digital safe practices.
In the story he states that at an already impressionable age in middle school, safe tech use starts with education. "We don't let 16 year olds drive a car without training, so kids and adults of all ages need training and guidelines on what is appropriate in terms of sharing information and interacting with people they don't know. They are at a critical age. There are always new platforms, sites and apps. So, it is important to know what the purposes are of each, but parents don't need to expect themselves to be experts in the functionality of them." Dan goes on to discuss the importance of keeping the lines of communication open with your child about what types of technology they are into. Ask questions about the apps they like and take an interest. Click here to read the full story.
Dan also authored a piece in Education IT Reporter titled, "Applying Digital Lessons Learned to the Virtual School Year Ahead," which draws on several lessons learned from virtual learning during the spring to help teachers and families alike as they navigate online this year.
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