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Speech and Debate Ends Season with 15 State & 3 National Qualifiers
Congratulations to Laurel's 15 State Qualifiers and 3 National Qualifiers for the 2023-2024 Speech and Debate season! The team will travel to the State Tournament in March to face the strongest competitors from all across the state of Ohio and includes all students pictured here.
National Qualifiers will travel to Des Moines in June to take on the top 2% of competitors from across the country. Laurel's National qualifiers include Kaitlyn Ernst '24 in Lincoln-Douglas Debate, who auto-qualified after placing 7th at last year's National Tournament, Ella Witalec '25 in United States Extemporaneous Speaking (her second year qualifying), and Kate Tracanna '24 in World Schools Debate, who placed in the Top 8 in the event at last year's National Tournament.
Top row (from left): Maeve Cimperman '26, Aleka Dodla '26, Julia Duong '26, Kaitlyn Ernst '24, Katie Izanec '25
Middle row (from left): Asal Mohammadi '27, Mackenzie Reid '26, Hannah Rosenfeld '27, Ana Rubio-Calvillo '27, Haadeya Salman '27