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Abby Byrne ‘25 Featured Speaker at “Speak as we Find”
On February 1, Abby Byrne ‘25 was one of three featured speakers in the first annual “Speak as we Find” event at Beachwood High School. With the theme of “New Findings and Unseen Ideas, from Resistance to Enlightenment,” Abby was selected to speak based on her entry about modern feminism, and, in her words, “the deleterious misogyny within American society.”
Abby presented eye-opening facts related to the gender-based disparities that are still present in the workplace, in the media, and education. Abby joined Laurel this fall because she sought an environment that would allow her to flourish in her favorite subject, science, without being seen as “less than” due to her gender. We are proud of Abby for her thoughtful and articulate presentation - and for being a stellar representative of Laurel School.