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Daniel McGee Talks Technology in the Classroom in Cleveland Jewish News

According to the Cleveland Jewish News, "Advancements in technology have made their way into the classroom and influence the way students learn."
Daniel McGee, Laurel's director of technology and library services, was recently interviewed for a piece focused on technology in the classroom and how its use affects how students learn. 
In the story Daniel agreed that technology’s influence is largely for the better. "Technology is kind of boundless, it has no boundaries, so it can be used for any discipline. It allows you to do something transformative and it allows you to find ways to express yourself in unique ways that you wouldn’t be able to do without using those tools."
Daniel also touched on Laurel's one-to-one laptop program where a laptop is provided to each student and the use of G Suite so students and teachers can utilize Google apps, such as Docs, Sheets and Classroom to engage with the learning material. 3D printers are also incorporated into the curriculum at Laurel.
Click here to read the full story.
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